September, 2010
National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry
The Government is proposing a National Environmental Standard (as regulations under the Resource Management Act 1991) for plantation forestry. The intent is to improve national consistency in local authority plan rules relating to plantation forestry and certainty for those involved in the management of plantation forests. The draft standard has been developed by the Ministry for the Environment in consultation with the NZ Forest Owners Association and is now open for consultation which closes on 18 October 2010.
New Zealand Farm Forestry Association
P O Box 1122, Wellington
Phone 04 472 0432 Fax 04 473 6904
e-mail Website
24 September 2010
For more comprehensive information about the proposed NES go to:
This proposal for a national environmental standard:
covers the activity status and conditions that might apply to eight plantation forestry activities (afforestation, replanting, mechanical land preparation, harvesting, pruning and thinning to waste, earthworks, quarrying and river crossings)
does not cover some associated forestry activities (eg. agrichemical use, milling, and processing of timber)
allows local authorities to retain control over how local natural and physical resources are managed in some circumstances
proposes an erosion susceptibility classification system for determining the activity status for some plantation forestry activities.
The standard would require all local authorities to give effect to and enforce its requirements.
To read more about the proposed national environmental standard and the process of developing it, go to the MfE website or follow these links:
Hard copies of the NES may be requested from the MfE website or from MfE, P O Box 10362, Wellington 6143.
The public submissions process is now open - opportunities for comment after the submission process may be very limited. Please include the following information with your submission:
your name and postal address, phone number, and e-mail address (where applicable)
the title of the proposed standard you are making the submission about
whether you support or oppose the standard
your submission, with reasons for your views
any changes you would like made to the standard
the decision you wish the Minister for the Environment to make.
Forward your submission to the Ministry for the Environment, PO Box 10-362, Wellington 6143, or by e-mail to, in time to be received no later than 5.00 pm Monday 18 October 2010. Note: Your submission and any attached information (including your name but excluding your contact details) may be published on the MfE website and may be required to be disclosed in response to any requests under the Official Information Act 1982.
Pilot study: online discussion forum with data
The Department of Internal Affairs, with the support of the Ministry for the Environment, is running an engagement pilot study at online discussion forum (MfE website) in parallel with the formal consultation on the NES. Data and images that are relevant to the question will be provided to supplement the discussion.