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Secretary: Peter & Nancy Coates
242 Nook Road
RD 4
09 436 5774
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Sourcing planting stock

Nurseries and plant availability

Availability of planting stock is dependant on ordering of trees well in advance. Nurseries only grow plantation forestry species to order. Usually one years notice is sufficient for plants being available but this may be extended if seed or cuttings are not available for the nursery to grow. If you are wanting a specialised line then think ahead.

Planting stock may be supplied either bare-rooted or containerised. Freight costs are in addition to the price of each plant and packaging of planting stock should be discussed with the nursery.

Containerised stock

Root distortion in container-grown trees has two different origins and may increase likelihood of windthrow in young trees:

  1. Container walls redirect and distort root development. Root trainer pots redirect roots downwards to avoid circular winding of roots. Although better than square or round pots ('tubes"), root trainers are implicated in causing a "root cage" in young trees which directs roots into a congested group of downward pointing fingers rather than a single vertical taproot and radiating lateral roots. Side slot (air-prune) containers are recommended for forestry stock as these minimise root distortion cause by the container walls and encourage fibrous root growth inside the container.
  2. Poor pricking out practices can cause root distortion in containerised stock, such as "J roots". Appraisal of nursery stock is by removing the soil media from a sample of trees and inspecting the inner root.

Both causes can be mitigated and it is recommended that the grower discusses these issues with their nursery.

Bare-rooted stock

This should have a fibrous root system. Regular wrenching in the nursery induces a more fibrous root system so that when the trees are lifted and long roots cut back, there is still plenty of root mass to supply moisture and nutrients to new growth.

The importance of seed provenance

The importance of contracting nurseries to grow from seed procured from proven trees cannot be over-emphasised. It is preferable that the nursery be supplied with the seed by the grower, who would if possible purchase the seed from a knowledgeable collector who has proven mother trees in Northland from which to collect seed. Where possible progeny should have been tested and proven to be reliable for health, growth and form in Northland.

In particular, eucalypt and cypress seedlings should be grown only from reliable and well proven seed sources. This is necessary to ensure disease and pest resistance along with adequate growth and form characteristics. It is hoped that the Northland Regional Council facilitates collections of quality seed and supply of this seed into the nursery trade.

Nurseries supplying plantation forestry stock

Nursery Species Contact person Postal address Physical address telephone no. email
Arborgen SuperTree Nursery, Northland Radiata pine, bare-rooted. Other species grown to order, containerised Jude Parsons, Kaikohe nursery; Mark Ryan other species 4766 Taheke Road, Kaikohe, 0405 4766 Taheke Road, Kaikohe, 0405 Jude, 021 983 276; Mark 021983275;;
Forest Floor Nurseries Manuka, containerised. Other species grown to order Simon Vallings 50 Mangakahia Rd, Maungatapere 0179 50 Mangakahia Rd, Maungatapere 09 4347216
021 1468243
Kauri Park Nurseries Manuka, containerised Andrew Wearmouth PO Box 63
Maungaturoto, 0547
State Highway One
Kaiwaka, North Auckland
09 431 2125
Kerikeri plant production Species grown to order, containerised Tom Lindsay Riddell Road
Kerikeri 0230
Riddell Road
09 4079448
Nga rakau Nurseries Clonal lines and containerised forestry species Greg Palmer 2 Mudgeways Road, Massey, Auckland 2 Mudgeways Road, Massey, Auckland 09 833 8046
Northland Forestry Nursery Radiata pine, bare-rooted. Other species grown to order, bare-rooted Kevin Strawbridge Northland Forestry Nursery Limited
PO Box 577, Kaikohe 0440
75 Thorpe Road, Kaikohe Kevin 0274 830 460
Northland Regional Council, Mata nursery Poplar wands, stakes and poles Matthew Mabbitt Flyger Rd, Mata 0800 002 004
PF Olsen nursery Radiata pine, containerised Kevin Haine 442 Glenbrook Beach Rd, Waiuku 2681 442 Glenbrook Beach Rd, Waiuku 2681 09-235 3877
021 402148
Scion nursery Cutting propagation Paul Keech Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street, Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046
Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street, Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046
027 385 0954
Springfield Nurseries Containerised forestry species Barbara Parker PO Box 7131, Taradale, Napier 4141 107 Springfield Road, Taradale, Napier 4141 06 8447028
Te Hana nurseries Full range of species, containerised. Mostly grown to order Chris Boyd 251 State Highway 1, Wellsford 0974 251 State Highway 1, Te Hana RD4, Wellsford 09 423 8595



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