Chris Perley's Blog
Fed Farmers Need to Flush in some new Thinking
November 2017
If the speech summary of Federated Farmers President Katie Milne is anything to go by, the farming lobby group needs a bit of radical thinking. Ms Milne effectively laid down…
2 posts.
A Forest Flows
November 2016
I am a forester; in the old sense of the word. I want to reclaim the name, to give it again the sense of guardianship of a people and a…
Our Land is not an Industry
July 2016
"To heal is to make whole. This applies as well to the 'industries' of landscapes: agriculture, forestry & mining. Once they have been industrialised, those enterprises no longer recognise landscapes…
One post
Are GMOs New Zealand’s Agricultural Future?
February 2016
The debate about the future of GMOs in Hawke's Bay (and NZ agriculture) is heating up. A number of opinion pieces are reacting to the this government's attempts to take legislative…
Climate Change: from a Protest to a Movement
December 2015
We dread the horror documentaries on climate change. "This is what is happening. If we don’t do something about it, these are the consequences." It has the effect of stunning…
The Trans-Pacific ‘Partnership’ and Our Environment
October 2015
The very idea that the Trans-Pacific ‘Partnership’ (TPP) is good for the environment (Craig Foss MP Hawke’s Bay Today 26th October) is arrant nonsense. More than that, it is wilful distortion.…
Some Water Myths
July 2015
The following was published in the Hawke's Bay Today 4th July 2015. I was surprised at the title of Dr Jacqueline Rowarth’s 30th June talk to an audience of the…
We do not need a Resource Development Act
March 2015
New Zealand has a comprehensive piece of legislation (Resource Management Act 1991) by which the use and development of ‘resources’ is managed. The current government is attempting to reform this…
Disclaimer: Personal views expressed in this blog are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the NZ Farm Forestry Association.