Solid timber flooring price survey: Page 3

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Flooring timber species

In addition to appearance, important characteristics that vary between species include hardness and movement in service.

Below you are provided photographic images representing the appearance of two floors, along with values for their hardness and movement in service. The price of Species A is provided and you will be asked to price Species B such that your would prefer it.

(Please scroll down to see Species B)

Species A


Species B


The price for species A is $50 per square metre. What would you pay for Species B such that you would prefer it to species A?
Please look carefully at the appearance of the two species, but this time also consider the hardness and movement in service of both species.

For flooring purposes, hardness is rated as:

  • Very soft: 3-4
  • Soft: 4-5
  • Medium hardness: 5-6
  • Hard: 7-8
  • Very hard: 9+

Movement in service (stability) is rated as:

  • Small <3.0
  • Medium 3.0 - 4.5
  • Large >4.5

Species A
Hardness: 4.3
Movement in service: 2.1

Species B
Hardness: 3.5
Movement in service: 2.2

The price for species A is $50 per square metre. What would you pay for Species B such that you would prefer it to species A?


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