In this newsletter: Editorial - Building System Legislative Reform Programme public consultation The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) administer the building code and are proposing major changes to NZ's building laws to:
They are also proposing to strengthen the framework for product certification. So how might this affect growers and producers of specialty timbers? Well, I have concerns around product assurance and in particular product certification for building products. Dean Satchell My focus for the last year has continued to be the three standards committees I sit on. The standards relevant to timber design and timber in buildings do not come up for review regularly, but do have a significant impact on the use of timber species in New Zealand. Therefore I have dedicated my available time to these standards, NZS 3602, NZS 3640 and NZS 3603 in order to have the greatest influence possible on outcomes. I continue to hope that these standards will be cited in the building code by the end of the year. Apologies for not producing regular newsletters. Dean Satchell Farm Forestry Timbers society will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 2pm, at the Kauri room, Distinction Hotel Rotorua.
From: STUART BOULD From: Darrin Jones From: Emma Paki |
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