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Kawa poplar timber - properties and market opportunities


Report Date: August 2023

Author: Dean Satchell, Northland Regional Council

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Heartwood sapwood boundary in 28-year old Kawa poplar

The heartwood/sapwood boundary is not obvious on the end of this buttlog.

Much of the "heartwood" in this photo appears to be discoloured wood rather than true heartwood.

Headlog showing pith (black), and a distinct boundary between what appears to be true heartwood and sapwood.

Buttlog with the appearance of discoloured wood rather than true heartwood.

Pruning wounds with discolouration surrounding them. Pathogen entry through pruning wounds could cause discolouration of the surrounding wood. 

Narrow heartwood band and pith in headlog, with what appears to be transitional "heartwood".

Discolouration in headlog appearing to not quite follow the true heartwood boundary

Discolouration creating an attractive pattern in the buttlog, with no obvious heartwood/sapwood boundary.

Discolouration extending out beyond any distinct heartwood sapwood boundary.

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