SWP technical reports by date
Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.
- Spatial distribution of cell collapse in Eucalyptus nitens wood due to drying treatment
SWP-T125 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2021
This work is part of a broader approach to characterising and understanding the mechanisms of cell collapse and within-ring checking in hardwoods during drying. Understanding the causes of such timber… - Feasibility trials - peeling posts of durable eucalypts
SWP-T123 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2021
Background The NZDFI aims to establish a ground-durable eucalypt resource under a short rotation regime to produce pole wood for use as agricultural posts (Millen et al., 2020; Millen et… - Recommended sampling intensity for phenotyping durable eucalypt breeding trials for heartwood quality
SWP-T121 - Access: unrestricted.
March 2021
The available heartwood quantity (diameter at 0.5 m stem height) and heartwood quality (NIR predicted extractive content) for ten NZDFI breeding trials was analysed with the intention to optimise sampling… - Grade recoveries from sawing 22-year-old unpruned cypress clones
SWP-T116 - Access: unrestricted.
February 2021
A Scion clonal cypress trial established in 1997 provided the opportunity to determine the grade recoveries of sawn timber from two cypress clones; GH5 (Cupressus lusitanica) and Ovensii (Cupressus lusitanica… - Assessment of NZDFI Eucalyptus quadrangulata Breeding Populations
SWP-T120 - Access: unrestricted.
January 2021
The objective of the NZDFI breeding programme is to define and then exploit the variation in selected traits by identifying and advancing superior families in the breeding populations. E. quadrangulata… - Experimental testing of high capacity screwed connections in Douglas-fir CLT
SWP-T119 - Access: unrestricted.
January 2021
This report presents experimental results of high capacity hold-down connections in Douglas-fir Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) using self-tapping screws installed with mixed angles (inclined and 90° angle to the timber… - Developing the potential of New Zealand’s portable sawmilling and alternative timber sector - Report: Survey of small-scale sawmillers
SWP-T106 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
This report provides the results from a survey of New Zealand’s small-scale sawmillers with the 75 survey responses received demonstrating significant interest and support. Given this feedback, a workshop is… - Douglas-fir Regional Processing Strategy: Douglas-fir Strategy
SWP-T117 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
Wooden It Ltd has been asked by the Specialty Wood Products research initiative (SWP) to prepare a paper on the regional strategic processing options available to growers of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga… - Analysis of the treated wood market for agricultural and horticultural uses in New Zealand
SWP-T114 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
This study analysed the treated wood market for agricultural and horticultural uses in New Zealand. Treated wood refers to fence posts for stock and crops, kiwifruit pergolas, vineyards posts and… - Eucalyptus resistance to paropsine beetles
SWP-T118 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
A wide range of insects can infest Eucalyptus trees in New Zealand, particularly pest insects that are native to Australia. Australian paropsine beetles are significant pests in New Zealand where climatic conditions… - The current and future potential of contingency species to mitigate biosecurity risk for the New Zealand forest sector
SWP-T122- - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
The problem In 1969 radiata pine made up 54% of the planted forest estate, including eucalypts, larch, Corsican pine, Ponderosa pine, Austrian pine, and Douglas-fir; today radiata pine comprises over… - Economic modelling of a C. ovensii clonal regimes for a range of growth rates
SWP-T115 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
The outcome from this analysis of a short rotation (20 year) no prune and no thin C. x ovensii regime using the FGR Cypress Calculator appears to be profitable based… - A Strategy for the NZ Cypress Industry: Workshop report and draft action plan
SWP-T112 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
This document follows from Discussion Document produced by the Cypress Strategy Working Group in August 2020. Twenty participants from across the cypress value chain took part in a workshop in… - Douglas-fir Processing Opportunities: Douglas-fir Strategy
SWP-T113 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
Douglas-fir, as the second most widely grown exotic species in New Zealand, has an important role in New Zealand forestry and all wood consuming industries. Its greatest asset lies in… - NZ Cypress Forestry Strategy - Stage One 2019-2020
SWP-T099 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
Interim report – industry consultation; forest resource analysis; draft strategy development Outcomes of consultation with corporate growers and the harvesting and marketing and consultancy sectors