Multi-environment single-step genomic evaluation of Eucalyptus nitens progeny test
By Jaroslav Klápste, Steffi Fritsche, Peter Bird, Kane Fleet, Toby Stovold, November 2021.
Download SWP-T136- (pdf)
Executive summary
The key outcome from this research is the ability to predict genomic breeding values for non- phenotyped individuals and parents using single-step genomic evaluation, especially for traits associated with costly phenotyping such as wood density.
The evaluation was performed on two open pollinated field experiments (“Keen’s block” and “Fortification”) which included material derived from different sources. Our single-step genomic evaluation found statistically significant heritabilities for all investigated traits which confirms potential for genetic improvement. Our analysis also detected considerable genotype by environment interaction in growth attributes but a lower GxE interaction for wood density. Most growth traits were strongly correlated while growth and wood density were only weakly correlated. The trait stem straightness had a strong relationship with productivity in Keens block while none was found in Fortfication.
The implementated single-step genomic evaluation allows for predicting genomic breeding values, also for non-genotyped individuals and parents. This, in turn, can be utilized in genetic thining/culling in current seed orchards, especially with focus on wood quality which shows high prediction accuracy and is usually costly to phenotype.

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