Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.
- Recalculation of Ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
SWP-T154 - Access: Cypress Development Group.
July 2023
In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG12 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
- The decay resistance of some wood species used as framing - Final report on the condition of samples
SWP-T096 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2023
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species included in this test were: Untreated Cupressus lusitanica. Untreated Douglas fir. Untreated Eucalyptus nitens (installation…
- The condition of Cypress with or without thermal modification L-joints after one year’s field exposure
SWP-T173 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2023
After one year’s exposure, there was no decay on any of the untreated Cupressus lusitanica L-joint samples. No decay was observed on any of the thermally modified Cupressus lusitanica, L-joint samples No decay was…
- The condition of thermally modified cypress and Douglas fir decking after one year’s field exposure
SWP-T172 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2023
After one year exposure, there was no decay on any of the untreated Cupressus macrocarpa, Cupressus lusitanica, Cupressus x.ovensi and Douglas fir decking samples. No decay was observed on any of the thermally modified Cupressus…
- The condition of thermally modified cypress and Douglas fir flat panels after one year’s field exposure
SWP-T171 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2023
After one year exposure at the Whakarewarewa test field site in Rotorua, there was no decay on any of the untreated Cupressus macrocarpa, Cupressus lusitanica, Cupressus x.ovensi and Douglas fir flat panel samples. No…
- Decay rate of Cypress stakes after two year’s exposure at the Whakarewarewa test site
SWP-T167 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2023
Stakes of Cupressus x ovensii grown in Rotoehu and Riverhead, and Cupressus x leylandii (Leyland cypress) were installed in the Whakarewarewa outdoor test area in April 2021. Untreated radiata pine and CCA H4 treated…
- The decay resistance of alternative species in an accelerated framing test Assessment of decay after one year’s exposure
SWP-T160 - Access: unrestricted.
March 2023
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species and preservative treatments included in this test were: Eucalyptus fastigata, mixed heartwood\sapwood,…
- Decay rate of Cypress stakes after one year’s exposure at the Whakarewarewa test site
SWP-T147 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2022
Stakes of Cupressus x ovensii grown in Rotoehu and Riverhead, and Cupressus x leylandii (Leyland cypress) were installed in the Whakarewarewa outdoor test area in April 2021. Untreated radiata pine and CCA H4 treated…
- Techno-economic analysis of producing engineered and thermally modified products from specialty wood species
SWP-T141 - Access: unrestricted.
January 2022
This report covers an analysis of making a range of engineered and modified wood products from non-radiata species. The products and wood species considered were: Non-durable eucalypt peeled veneer Non-durable…
- New Zealand Cypress Strategy 2021 – 2041
SWP-T138 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2021
This strategy presents the business case for developing a cypress forest industry, in particular the required market development for cypress timber and growing a plantation industry that is of a…
- Cupressus x ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
SWP-T129- - Access: unrestricted.
July 2021
In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG10 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
- Grade recoveries from sawing 22-year-old unpruned cypress clones
SWP-T116 - Access: unrestricted.
February 2021
A Scion clonal cypress trial established in 1997 provided the opportunity to determine the grade recoveries of sawn timber from two cypress clones; GH5 (Cupressus lusitanica) and Ovensii (Cupressus lusitanica…
- Economic modelling of a C. ovensii clonal regimes for a range of growth rates
SWP-T115 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2020
The outcome from this analysis of a short rotation (20 year) no prune and no thin C. x ovensii regime using the FGR Cypress Calculator appears to be profitable based…
- A Strategy for the NZ Cypress Industry: Workshop report and draft action plan
SWP-T112 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
This document follows from Discussion Document produced by the Cypress Strategy Working Group in August 2020. Twenty participants from across the cypress value chain took part in a workshop in…
- NZ Cypress Forestry Strategy - Stage One 2019-2020
SWP-T099 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
Interim report – industry consultation; forest resource analysis; draft strategy development Outcomes of consultation with corporate growers and the harvesting and marketing and consultancy sectors
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (final report)
SWP-T090 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2019
Changes in the moisture content of wood changes its dimensions. The magnitude of these changes (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor…
- Non-destructive detection of the heartwood-sapwood barrier
SWP-T088 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
September 2019
This study examined the feasibility of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging to identify the heartwood-sapwood barrier in trees (Eucalyptus globoidea, Eucalyptus bosistoana and Cupressus ovensii). The dielectric properties measured of…
- Thermal Modification of Specialty Species Results of Scion’s SSIF-funded experiments
SWP-T086 - Access: unrestricted.
September 2019
The problem The objective of this work is to improve the properties of two specialty wood species (Eucalyptus nitens and Cupressus lusitanica) through thermal modification. Thermal modification darkens the colour…
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (interim report)
SWP-T074 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
Dimensional changes caused by changes in wood moisture content (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor dimensional stability can lead to cracking,…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species; - processing options analysis using the WoodScape model
SWP-T073 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
The Specialty Wood Products Research Partnership wish to know where there are opportunities to develop processing of Douglas-fir, Cypress and Eucalyptus species (nitens and fastigata). A previous report covers the…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species – resource analysis
SWP-T068 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
This report covers the current and projected supply of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Cypresses and Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden across all the major wood supply regions of…
- The decay resistance of some wood species used as framing - Progress report on the condition of samples
SWP-T064 - Access: Executive. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
September 2018
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species included in this test were: untreated Cupressus lusitanica untreated Douglas-fir…
- Thermal Modification of Specialty Species: Results of Scion’s Core Funded Experiments
SWP-T063 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2018
The objective of this work is to improve the properties of two specialty wood species (Eucalyptus nitens and Cupressus lusitanica) through thermal modification. Key results The major findings of this study…
- LVL Stiffness Calculator User Guide
SWP-T059 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
This software is only intended to be used as a decision tool that enables questions to be asked about the potential suitability of a wood resource being able to supply a range of LVL grades.…