Non-durable eucalypts
Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.
- The decay resistance of some wood species used as framing - Final report on the condition of samples
SWP-T096 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2023
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species included in this test were: Untreated Cupressus lusitanica. Untreated Douglas fir. Untreated Eucalyptus nitens (installation…
- Evaluation of multi-site progeny test in Eucalyptus fastigata
SWP-T163 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2023
Progeny trials for Eucalyptus fastigata in the third cycle, planted in 2009 and 2012 in Kaingaroa (compartment 333 and 605), Waihaha and Waihapua were assessed at age of 8 for growth and…
- The decay resistance of alternative species in an accelerated framing test Assessment of decay after one year’s exposure
SWP-T160 - Access: unrestricted.
March 2023
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species and preservative treatments included in this test were: Eucalyptus fastigata, mixed heartwood\sapwood,…
- Densification of Eucalyptus nitens and E. fastigata – stability
SWP-T148 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2022
The problem The objective of this study was to increase the surface density and surface hardness of Eucalyptus nitens and E. fastigata through wood densification. Wood densification is a process of heating wood and…
- Assessing paropsine damage on Eucalyptus trees with remote sensing
SWP-T153 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2022
New Zealand forests comprise 10.1 million hectares of forests. Due to the sheer scale of managing these forests, remote sensing is increasingly used as a source of information for decision-making.…
- Using NIR to Predict Sawn Timber Quality in E. nitens
SWP-T145 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2022
An existing NIR model, developed as a screening tool for tree breeding, has been assessed as a possible method for identifying Eucalyptus nitens trees that produce timber that is not susceptible to…
- Using NIR to Predict Wood Shrinkage and Cellulose Content in Eucalyptus Nitens
SWP-T146 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2022
The key outcome from this research is the ability to use predictions from NIR models for wood shrinkage and lignin/cellulose content as a substitute for expensive destructive phenotyping methods. The…
- Techno-economic analysis of producing engineered and thermally modified products from specialty wood species
SWP-T141 - Access: unrestricted.
January 2022
This report covers an analysis of making a range of engineered and modified wood products from non-radiata species. The products and wood species considered were: Non-durable eucalypt peeled veneer Non-durable…
- Producing High-stiffness LVL from Eucalyptus fastigata: Part 3. LVL production and mechanical properties
SWP-T135 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2021
Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) has been produced in a commercial radiata pine mill (JNL Wairarapa) using veneers from 23-year-old Eucalyptus fastigata. The veneers were glued using one of the glue formulations…
- Multi-environment single-step genomic evaluation of Eucalyptus nitens progeny test
SWP-T136- - Access: unrestricted.
November 2021
The key outcome from this research is the ability to predict genomic breeding values for non- phenotyped individuals and parents using single-step genomic evaluation, especially for traits associated with costly…
- Spatial distribution of cell collapse in Eucalyptus nitens wood due to drying treatment
SWP-T125 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2021
This work is part of a broader approach to characterising and understanding the mechanisms of cell collapse and within-ring checking in hardwoods during drying. Understanding the causes of such timber…
- Peeling and sawing pruned E. fastigata for high-stiffness veneers: Part 2. Dry grade recovery and downstream testing
SWP-T109 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
The feasibility of producing high stiffness veneers from E. fastigata has been investigated. Previous work found that the net veneer recovery was good (60% of peelable volume) and the Metriguard stiffness measurements…
- Densification of E. fastigata and E. nitens for improved surface hardness - Results of Scion’s SSIF funded work
SWP-T105 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2020
Densification is a method of increasing wood density and hardness using compression and heat to deform and flatten the wood cells. It has been applied experimentally to a number of…
- Eucalyptus nitens breeding plan update 2020 (SSIF - Scion aligned funding)
SWP-T104 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2020
Eucalyptus nitens breeding has a long tradition in commercial forestry in New Zealand. It is nowadays the most important Eucalyptus species in the country, and as a fast-growing species of good form, it…
- Bonding of Eucalyptus fastigata veneer
SWP-T103 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
November 2020
Aim of this work: To determine if two standard Hexion commercial phenolic resins will bond the E. fastigata veneer. Previous Hexion NZ work has shown poor bonds with a number of different…
- Forest Protection SSIF research on species other than radiata pine 2019/20
SWP-T102 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2020
Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), such as Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Eucalyptus species are planted over approximately 27,000 ha and contribute ~$40 million…
- Assessing properties of E. nitens laminated flooring
SWP-T097 - Access: unrestricted.
April 2020
Worldwide there is increased interest in engineered flooring products, which combine the look of solid wood with increased dimensional stability (i.e. reduced movement in service) and reduced distortion. Specialty Timber…
- Peeling pruned E. fastigata for high-stiffness veneers: Part 1. Green grade recoveries
- Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
March 2020
New approaches are being sought to produce high stiffness veneers from New Zealand grown trees. Here the feasibility of producing high stiffness veneers from pruned Eucalyptus fastigata has been investigated. 42m3 of pruned…
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (final report)
SWP-T090 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2019
Changes in the moisture content of wood changes its dimensions. The magnitude of these changes (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor…
- Thermal Modification of Specialty Species Results of Scion’s SSIF-funded experiments
SWP-T086 - Access: unrestricted.
September 2019
The problem The objective of this work is to improve the properties of two specialty wood species (Eucalyptus nitens and Cupressus lusitanica) through thermal modification. Thermal modification darkens the colour…
- Assessed defoliation of Eucalyptus nitens breeding population to quantify genetic basis of palatability to Paropsis charybdis
SWP-T083 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
July 2019
Eucalyptus nitens breeding has a long history in commercial forestry in New Zealand. This is currently the most important Eucalyptus species in the country for pulpwood, and because it is fast growing and has…
- Forest Protection SSIF research on species other than radiata pine 2018/19
SWP-T081 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
June 2019
Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), in particular Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Douglas-fir is planted over approx. 105,000 ha. and is the…
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (interim report)
SWP-T074 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
Dimensional changes caused by changes in wood moisture content (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor dimensional stability can lead to cracking,…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species; - processing options analysis using the WoodScape model
SWP-T073 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
The Specialty Wood Products Research Partnership wish to know where there are opportunities to develop processing of Douglas-fir, Cypress and Eucalyptus species (nitens and fastigata). A previous report covers the…
- Identifying processing opportunities for key specialty tree species – resource analysis
SWP-T068 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
This report covers the current and projected supply of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Cypresses and Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden across all the major wood supply regions of…
- Economic impact of eucalyptus tortoise beetle (Paropsis charybdis) in New Zealand
SWP-T067 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2018
A number of tree species in the genus Eucalyptus are grown in New Zealand on a small scale. However, the economic value of this resource is not known. The economic impact of…
- The decay resistance of some wood species used as framing - Progress report on the condition of samples
SWP-T064 - Access: Executive. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
September 2018
Sets of framing samples were exposed in high humidity conditions of 85-90% relative humidity and 25 – 27°C. The species included in this test were: untreated Cupressus lusitanica untreated Douglas-fir…
- Thermal Modification of Specialty Species: Results of Scion’s Core Funded Experiments
SWP-T063 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2018
The objective of this work is to improve the properties of two specialty wood species (Eucalyptus nitens and Cupressus lusitanica) through thermal modification. Key results The major findings of this study…
- Supercritical CO2 dewatering of E. nitens. Results of Scion’s core funded experiments
SWP-T062 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2018
The objective of this study was to see if removing sap from Eucalyptus nitens via supercritical CO2 dewatering reduces the level of checking and collapse This project Eucalyptus nitens was sourced from Southwood…
- Core funded aligned research on insects and fungi on species other than radiata pine 2017/2018
SWP-T061 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
Plantation species other than Pinus radiata (radiata pine), specifically Douglas-fir and eucalypts, form an important part of a diversified forest estate. Douglas-fir is planted over approx. 105,000 ha. and is the most…
- LVL Stiffness Calculator User Guide
SWP-T059 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
This software is only intended to be used as a decision tool that enables questions to be asked about the potential suitability of a wood resource being able to supply a range of LVL grades.…
- Pre application consultation has begun for a new potential biological control introduction to control Eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Paropsis charybdis
- Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
April, 2018. Background The Farm Forestry Association, and Scion have been collaborating for the last 5 years on a project to get a new biological control agent into New Zealand…
- Eucalyptus variegated beetle creates concern for eucalypt growers
- Access: unrestricted.
May 2018
Annoying Australians are over here and eating ‘our’ eucalypt trees. Seven different tortoise beetles, named because their round bodies resemble a tortoise, have arrived in New Zealand and have been…
- Improved Drying of Eucalyptus nitens: Screening standing trees and drying thin boards
SWP-T055 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
Following on from work in 2016/17, a model was created to predict the propensity for checking and collapse in E. nitens standing trees. This model was validated by measuring 100 trees, then…
- Genetic analysis of Eucalyptus fastigata progeny trials and implications to selection
SWP-T050 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
Progeny trials for Eucalyptus fastigata in the third cycle, planted in 2009 and 2010 in Kaingaroa and Waihaha were assessed in 2012-2013 for growth, form and adaptability. These trials are now advanced…
- Eucalyptus fastigata Veneer Stiffness
SWP-T048 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2018
UPT (ultrasonic propagation times) on its own is measuring both changes in density and changes in MoE, thus without an independent density measurement it is not possible to reliably determine…
- Review of methods and recommendation for assessing defoliation Eucalyptus nitens from Paropsis Charybdis for breeding purposes
SWP-T030 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2017
Eucalyptus nitens has a long tradition in commercial forestry in New Zealand. It is currently the most important Eucalyptus species in the country. As a fast-growing species of good form it could offer…
- 100 years of the Eucalyptus Tortoise Beetle in New Zealand
SWP-T023 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2017
The Eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Paropsis charybdis, has been one of the most successful insect pests to invade New Zealand. One hundred years have now passed, and yet this pest continues to cause…
- Drying Eucalyptus nitens: Screening for checking and collapse
SWP-T022 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2017
Eucalyptus nitens frequently develops within-ring checks and collapse (washboarding) during drying, making the wood unsuitable for use as sawn timber. Numerous studies have tried altering drying conditions to reduce levels…
- Scion’s core funded experiments on thermal modification of Eucalyptus nitens.
SWP-T021 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2017
The objective of this work was to replicate successful lab scale thermal modifications of Eucalyptus nitens at a larger scale. Lab scale thermal modification has been shown to improve dimensional stability and…
- Eucalyptus nitens breeding plan
SWP-T018 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2016
Eucalyptus nitens breeding has a long tradition in commercial forestry in New Zealand. It is nowadays the most important Eucalyptus species in the country, and as a fast-growing species of good form, it…
- Review of eucalypt wood processing issues
SWP-T016 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2016
The vast majority of eucalypt plantations worldwide (at least 20 million ha) have been established as fast-growing exotic biomass forests for pulpwood and energy in tropical and sub-tropical environments and…
- Identification of Issues and Opportunities for LVL from NZ Eucalypts
SWP-T015 - Access: unrestricted.
October 2016
Information on the opportunities and possible issues for LVL made from eucalypts available or likely to be available in NZ is reviewed and summarised. While it is generally agreed that…
- Eucalyptus nitens Optimised Engineered Lumber (OELTM) Trial
SWP-T014 - Access: unrestricted.
September 2016
The OELTM (Optimised Engineered Lumber) technology produces structural products with known, uniform and reliable properties. There is financial advantage derived from the fact that all the merchantable OELTM production output is certified…
- Scion’s core funded experiments on scCO2 wood extracts (proof of concept)
SWP-T013 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2016
Initial experiments to carry out scCO2 (supercritical fluid) extractions were undertaken on two species of interest: Douglas fir and Eucalyptus nitens and four tissue types: leaves/needles, bark, sapwood and heartwood. The…
- Scion’s core funded experiments on thermal modification of Eucalyptus nitens
SWP-T011 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2016
Laboratory scale trials were carried out on kiln dried E. nitens. This was sourced from Specialty Timber Solutions, and the trees originated from a farm forest in the North Canterbury…
- Economic comparison of Traditional and Genomic breeding programmes for Eucalyptus nitens
SWP-T010 - Access: unrestricted.
August 2016
This analysis was done to compare the value of the genomic and traditional breeding programmes. The analysis builds upon results already presented to the SWP programme steering group in March…
- Improving Drying Quality of Eucalyptus Nitens Timber
SWP-T008 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2016
Eucalyptus nitens has a very high incidence of drying degrade, primarily caused by water tension stress occurring early in drying. This degrade reduces the recovery of sawn timber from nitens…
- Initial evaluation of genomic selection to improve wood property in Eucalyptus nitens breeding population
SWP-T006 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2016
The E. nitens genetic improvement programs are predominantly based on open-pollinated progeny tests. This approach produces high levels of hidden relatedness whose ignorance causes upward bias in genetic parameters. Development…
- Selection for solid wood properties in Eucalyptus nitens
SWP-T005 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2016
Eucalyptus nitens can be recognised as one of the tree species in New Zealand with an advanced breeding programme that is moving towards its fourth generation. Eucalyptus nitens is one of the most…
- Literature Review: Measuring Growth-strain by IR-spectroscopy
SWP-T002 - Access: unrestricted.
July 2016
Growth-stresses cause problems in wood processing. Current measurement methods of growth stresses are labour-intensive and destructive. Research has shown that changes in stress levels, moisture content and temperature induce molecular deformations in wood,…