See also pdf download for Tree Grower » August 2017 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, August 2017
The levy funded Fire Committee (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff Cameron
The NZFFA has been represented on this committee for a number of years, giving small growers a say on a small but important component of forest and land management at… -
Update on recent biosecurity problems (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Berg
Eucalyptus variegated beetle and myrtle rust On 8 March 2016 a eucalyptus foraging beetle new to New Zealand was collected by SPS Biosecurity as part of the forest owner’s levy… -
A survey of New Zealand farm forest owners who recently harvested (Access: unrestricted)
Kristopher Brown and Rien Visser
The majority of New Zealand’s timber harvesting contractors have developed into large-scale commercial entities that meet the requirements for larger industrial forest owners. These requirements are usually based around high and… -
Forestry and a capital gains tax (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Both the Labour and the Green political parties are considering a capital gains tax. Calculating the capital gains on property, shares or other products may appear to be relatively simple.… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
It was a rewarding experience in June to visit the Mystery Creek Fieldays and see the work done there by Murray Downs and his team from the Waikato Branch in… -
Soils underpin the future of our forests (Access: unrestricted)
Simeon Smaill and Michelle Harnett
Soil forms the foundation which supports the forestry industry. Managing the mix of minerals, microbes, moisture and organic matter which make up soil to get the greatest tree growth while… -
Longridge – half in forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
The first stop of the Feilding conference field days was Longridge, farmed by Dean and Cushla Williamson. Dean admitted that in general, the land looked after itself, probably because over… -
Waipiko - A winning property (Access: unrestricted)
The second visit of the day was to Waipiko Farm, a property on which John and Diny Dermer were awarded the Husqvarna North Island Farm Forester of the Year in… -
The new organisation Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Access: unrestricted)
Kevin O’Connor
On 1 July 2017, all urban and rural fire services were amalgamated into one new organisation, Fire and Emergency New Zealand. While this is a significant change for the fire… -
Selling standing trees and forest land (Access: unrestricted)
Kim von Lanthen
If we think of a woodlot as an asset, then it has a market value. For woodlot owners wanting to cash out before harvest, there are two important questions. Can… -
When to harvest: The challenge of decision making (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Laurie
At this year’s Fielding conference I was approached by a number of people all who had similar questions to ask. These revolved around pressure being applied by forestry companies to… -
Succession planning for forestry owners (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh and Nigel Webb
Generally speaking, those involved in forestry tend to be patient, long-term planners. Planting young trees is not a quick return, but you do it because in the long-term you know… -
Redwood stability across the environment (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Silcock and Simon Rapley
An emerging opportunity The Sequoia Action Group successfully applied to the Sustainable Farming Fund in July 2015 looking to build on redwood genotype x environment research undertaken by Future Forests… -
Towards commercialising cypress as a high value plantation forest species (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
Cypress species are well known in New Zealand for their timber, usually called macrocarpa, this being a namesake for the species Cupressus macrocarpa. Macrocarpa and hybrids have been planted for…