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New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2006

  • Practical hints for measuring trees (Access: unrestricted)
    Allan Laurie
    Fundamental to the future decision about harvest is the need to understand how the woodlot is performing in terms of annual tree growth. Growth performance is mainly expressed in height…
  • Are we still planting cypresses on the right site? (Access: unrestricted)
    Patrick Milne
    There is increasing interest in cypresses as alternative softwood species for plantation forestry in New Zealand. While cypresses as a whole will grow on a very wide range of sites,…
  • The battle to hold the hills (Access: unrestricted)
    Denis Hocking
    Erosion is an inevitable feature of the New Zealand landscape. Well it certainly has been over the last 20 million years or so when New Zealand has been pushed up…
  • Hybrid cypresses – a future plantation option (Access: unrestricted)
    Patrick Milne
    Cypresses have been one of the most popular species advocated and planted over the last 20 years to compliment radiata forestry. This has certainly been the case with the farm…
  • Macrocarpa – keeping faith with the old faithful (Access: unrestricted)
    Denis Hocking
    In the first part of this issue of Tree Grower we are featuring articles covering some of the varying species and clones of cypress. The main generic name is Cupressus,…
  • Milling cypresses and the marketing challenge (Access: unrestricted)
    Don Tantrum
    I have been selecting, propagating, growing and managing cypresses for over 25 years including everything from controlled pollination to milling. We now have over 25 hectares planted from well over…
  • How safe are you? (Access: unrestricted)
    Dave Gratton
    If you did not carry out maintenance on your car you would not pass the WOF required to enable you to legally drive on the road. But when we look…
  • Death, your forest and taxes (Access: unrestricted)
    Murray Downs
    Two accountants are in a bank when armed robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take money from the tellers, others line the customers against a wall and proceed…
  • Understanding the way trees reduce soil erosion (Access: unrestricted)
    Leith Knowles
    New Zealand loses between 200 and 300 million tonnes of soil every year to the oceans – a rate about 10 times the world average. Erosion is fairly light to…
  • Comparing the wood properties of cypress species (Access: unrestricted)
    Charlie Low
    Cypress species have been grown in New Zealand for many years as a substitute for native timbers. The development of portable sawmills has increased the production of lumber for a…


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