See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2008 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2008
Wide planting does not work (Access: unrestricted)
Ken Jones and Neil Cullen
In the 1980s the wide spacing of radiata pine was a popular strategy with farm foresters. The advocates of this system believed that the reduced establishment and tending costs and… -
Poplar logging case study (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Davies-Colley
Ngarakau is a 300 hectare dry stock farm located at Titoki in Northland. It was formerly owned by Richard and Wilma Davies-Colley and is now owned by Peter and Nikki… -
GPS and mapping tools for farm forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer, Don Wallace and Ross Browne
Ever wondered where your property boundaries really are? This was the question facing Don and Lynne Wallace, Wellington Branch members, when they bought a steep Kapiti Coast block recently. The… -
Breeding poplars and willows (Access: unrestricted)
Ian McIvor
New Zealand’s primary wealth depends on fertile land and plentiful, clean water. Water is essential to New Zealand’s productive economy. However water in excess can cause economic loss from soil… -
Eucalypts for vineyards (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Levett
An important workshop for eucalyptus growers in vineyard regions was held on in July last year, significantly in Blenheim, New Zealand’s largest wine-producing centre. Growing ground durable hardwood for vineyard… -
Cost-benefit analysis of tree fodder (Access: unrestricted)
John Stantiall
Analysing the financial benefits of using poplars and willows as fodder trees is a challenging exercise, due to the range of possible scenarios and different perceptions about which costs should… -
Lincoln University agroforestry experiment findings (Access: unrestricted)
Don Mead and Dick Lucas
Since the Lincoln University agroforestry experiment was established in 1990, over 30 scientific papers have been published. However, as most of these have been in overseas journals where they are… -
Information for Fire Response Protocol (Access: unrestricted)
Dave Gratton
Fire danger is always a worry for forest owners during summer months. You can always minimise the possibility of a fire outbreak by using commonsense actions during those hot months,… -
New code ensures best practice forestry (Access: unrestricted)
David Rhodes
Forestry is one of the New Zealand’s most environmentally friendly industries. Our forests stabilise hillsides, provide clean water, store carbon, provide habitat for endangered flora and fauna, and help offset… -
The farm forestry model: Peering into both silos (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking
This article was originally aimed at a pastoral farming audience, therefore its evangelical fervour. However as the NZFFA is keen to promote the Farm Forestry Model, it is reprinted here… -
Carbon gains, losses and risks (Access: unrestricted)
Piers Maclaren
You own a forest. You have heard about the government’s new Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) but it seems very complicated. There is a huge amount to read and absorb. Do…