See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2021 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2021
President's comment (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
The absence of forestry presentations at last November’s Primary Industries New Zealand Summit conference at Te Papa reflects the lack of importance that New Zealand attributes to our sector. Jacinda Adern spoke… -
A forwarding solution for small-scale forest growers (Access: unrestricted)
John Schrider & Jack Palmer
A project to find some solutions to the challenges of small-scale forest grower harvesting is underway, led by members of the NZFFA. One element of this project is an evaluation of… -
Establishing an industry group for New Zealand's small-scale sawmilling sector (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen and Harriet Palmer
A report for the Hawke’s Bay Region published in the Tree Grower in November 2020 led to the idea for an industry association to increase the capability of the small-scale sawmilling… -
Transitioning from pine to mixed species continuous cover forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Chris and Harry Livesey
Chris and Harry Livesey are a father and son team. Chris planted the forest in 1993 and is planning to harvest the pine component some time in 2021. Then Harry… -
The Emissions Trading Scheme – Opportunities closing (Access: unrestricted)
Forest 360
In the November issue of Tree Grower we outlined the opportunities being missed within the Emissions Trading Scheme. One of those was for forests planted after 1989 which are eligible… -
New Zealand forest supply chain risks following Covid-19 (Access: unrestricted)
Michael Wang and Robert Radics
Forestry plays a vital role in the regional and national economic development in New Zealand. According to recent Statistics NZ data, total stocked plantation forest area was 1.697 million hectares,… -
Think about your future forest (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett
It is the year 2050 and you are about to the harvest unpruned radiata pine you grew at 600 stems a hectare. Has everything gone to plan? How different would… -
Forever protected: QE II National Trust a trusted promise (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
In July last year I was appointed by then Minister Eugenie Sage, along with Karen Schumacher from Taranaki and Alan Livingston from Waikato, to the board of the QE II… -
Experiences with the QE II National Trust: a gift that keeps giving (Access: unrestricted)
Jeremy Collyns
We own 40 hectares of land at Pauatahanui which is part of Porirua City, just north of Wellington. This land was part of the early settlement plans of the New… -
Quick species guides for trees on farms (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
We need more trees on farms. Who would have thought? To help those who know little about what to grow, how to grow it and where, over recent months three… -
South Island Farm Forester of the Year 2020 - Scott McKenzie (Access: unrestricted)
It is Scott’s name on the award for farm forestry at Pineview in South Otago but it is very much a family enterprise. The farm is run by Colin and… -
Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry 2020 - Jeff and Linzi Keen (Access: unrestricted)
The farm Tomogalak Gorge in northern Southland covers 870 hectares of rolling medium hill country with 700 hectares of effective grazing land run as a mixed sheep and beef farm.… -
Husqvarna North Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2020 - Graham and Tess Smith (Access: unrestricted)
Graham and Tess Smith purchased 37.4 hectares close to Kihikihi, near Te Awamutu in the north King Country. Graham had been share-milking and always looking for an opportunity as he… -
Eat your greens, tax is good for you (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
The following observations and analogies are not meant to be necessarily true, accurate or comprehensive. They are simply an attempt to accept the unpalatable by rationalising the unknowable. This is… -
Lessons for owners of forests on erosion-prone land (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
In 1970 a report was published of the technical committee of inquiry into the problems of the Poverty Bay and East Cape District called Wise Land Use and Community Development,…