See also pdf download for Tree Grower » February 2024 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, February 2024
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
A new year and some subdued prospects for the forest sector. At the briefing ‘Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries’ last month, Director General Ray Smith predicted forest exports would… -
Annual NZFFA Conference Hawke’s Bay – Napier War Memorial Conference Centre April 9 to April 13 (Access: unrestricted)
The 2024 NZFFA Annual Conference is being held in Hawke’s Bay, based in Napier. It will be the highlight of the year for farm foresters and a chance to hear… -
In the wake of the Council (Access: NZFFA membership)
Howard Moore
We are now in the useful habit of holding a Council meeting each November to help ensure everyone knows what we are trying to do and why. This article is… -
Australia and New Zealand Institute of Forestry conference (Access: NZFFA membership)
Dougal Morrison
The joint Australia and New Zealand Institute of Forestry conference was held from 15 to 18 October 2023 at Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia. The theme of the conference… -
Forestry under our new government (Access: NZFFA membership)
Hamish Levack
Before the general election last October, the NZFFA asked the major political parties to provide their forest policies. Maybe it is a reflection of the forest sector’s inadequate promotion of… -
New multi-species calculator (Access: unrestricted)
Mark Kimberley and Michael Watt
A new multi-species calculator has been developed to help a tree grower make decisions. The calculator predicts growth for even-aged plantations of eleven different species. It also provides annual estimates… -
Green, blue and grey The shades of water (Access: NZFFA membership)
Howard Moore
In the last Tree Grower I suggested solving our methane problem by shooting lots of cows. Some of you may have thought I was being tough on farmers, but of… -
The final cut for grant projects in 2024 (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
The Forest Growers’ Levy has been reasonably kind to the NZFFA in recent years, approving a number of grants which have enabled work to be carried out to benefit small-scale owners.… -
Extreme rainfall – forest flows The need for water resilient landscapes (Access: NZFFA membership)
Vanessa McWilliams, Dean Meason and Grace Villamor
Extreme weather is becoming more common. Knowing where the water is, where it is going and who gets to use it are the three main questions which the forest flows… -
Substituting imported wood with New Zealand timber (Access: unrestricted)
Karen Bayne, Jonathan Harrington and Harriet Palmer
A recent study by a Scion team looked into New Zealand’s timber imports, analysing the demand for timber from overseas. The study was instigated partly because of rising awareness of… -
Biodiversity credits A submission from the NZFFA (Access: NZFFA membership)
Julian Bateson
Members of the NZFFA have supplied information for a number of submissions over the last year or two. A very recent one was about the possibility of a biodiversity credit system.… -
Does the Forest Growers’ Levy give value for money? (Access: unrestricted)
Stephen Franks
Do you get value for money from the commodity levy on harvested wood? That was the editor’s real question when he asked me to explain what the Forest Growers’ Levy… -
The training needs of small-scale forest owners (Access: unrestricted)
Eric Cairns and Julian Bateson
In 2023, the NZFFA was granted funding from the Forest Growers’ Levy to investigate the training needs of small-scale forest owners. Our target audience also included pastoral farmers interested in… -
Elite hybrid cypress trial A full evaluation at age nine (Access: NZFFA membership)
Vaughan Kearns
The first round of hybrid crosses of well-known cypress macrocarpa and lusitanica with the lesser known Alaskan yellow cedar Cupressus nootkatensis were made in 2004 by scientists and technicians at… -
Stay slim – own a forest (Access: NZFFA membership)
Howard Moore
Anxiety keeps me slim. I know in my heart that things would be much better if I only had the time, money and skill to fix them myself. This constant…