See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2008 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2008
Earning brownie points for the dairy industry (Access: unrestricted)
Kyle Brennan
Confucius said: ‘A wise man is one who plants a tree knowing he may never sit in its shade’. I know it sounds a bit philosophical, a bit heavy, a… -
Continuous Cover Forestry: A Handbook for the Management of New Zealand Forests by Ian Barton (Access: unrestricted)
Review by Allan Levett
This is a timely book. Continuous cover forestry is suited to slower growing high value species. Increasing oil costs threaten export values for pine timber and call for alternatives that… -
Natives and those problematical pivots (Access: unrestricted)
Mark Robins
I retired from farming a few years ago after living in the Ruapuna district of Ashburton. Trees have always been of great interest to me, an interest nurtured from my… -
Dairy farm planting for shelter (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
On many of the dairy conversions undertaken in the south, the first victim is often the farm’s existing trees. Sometimes there are valid reasons for removal of these trees. They… -
Remember the four Ps: Planning for successful shelter systems (Access: unrestricted)
Ron Hinton
The establishment of effective shelter systems, for dairy farms as well as any other farm, is a complex process deserving considerable planning and research before ringing the fencer or visiting… -
Back to basics - thinning techniques (Access: unrestricted)
Harriet Palmer
The latest Wellington branch field day – Thinning: back to basics – was organised and hosted by Dave Gratton at his Upper Hutt property. As ever when Dave is our… -
Pining in the sandhills (Access: unrestricted)
Gwen and Chris Bossley
In the early 1980s we decided that, as urban dwellers, we needed somewhere to escape to, within easy driving distance of home. We knew very little about lifestyle farming, but… -
Trees and farming near the roof of the world (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
Ian Cummings farms an 800 hectare sheep and beef property at Hihitahi, 9 km south of Waiouru, in what can only be described as a climatically challenging environment. His farm… -
The history and trends of land use in the Middle Districts (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon and Denis Hocking
The Middle Districts branch, along with the associated Tararua branch, is as diverse as most you will find in New Zealand. Middle Districts is bounded by the four W's −… -
The Gordon Trust property 60 years on (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
The Gordon Trust property owned by John and Julie Gordon, and previously by John’s father Ron, is situated 11 km due west of Taihape in one of the upper branches… -
Alleviating the boredom with eucalypts (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking
The coastal sand country of the south-western North Island is probably one of the easiest places in New Zealand to grow radiata pine. There are few disease or physiological problems,… -
It’s all about density (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
Hautapu Pine Products tree farm is situated on the north bank of the Orua river east of Apiti and adjacent to the Ruahine range. The majority of the property is… -
Carbon update (Access: unrestricted)
Piers MacLaren
The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is now law. The rules regarding forestry may bring great riches to some, great pain to others, and a shrug of the shoulders to everyone…