See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2012 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2012
My trees have grown up – what should I do? (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Gresham
This article is aimed at foresters who are contemplating managing their own harvesting and marketing. It is not advice about how to proceed or when to sell, rather it is… -
Increase profitability of harvesting - small-scale forests on steep terrain (Access: unrestricted)
Keith Raymond
There are many challenges facing the forest industry due to decisions taken in the past. In the 1980s and 1990s the plantation forests in New Zealand increased significantly. Many areas… -
Preparation for harvesting (Access: unrestricted)
Ken Stephens
Quite a few years ago I was asked by a farm forester what the most important thing was when selling a woodlot. That really had me thinking for a while,… -
The spike in harvest by woodlot owners - Coming sooner than you think (Access: unrestricted)
Chris Goulding and Hamish Levack
Most farm foresters and the non-corporate small-scale forest owners are now aware that there will soon be a rapid rise in the number of forest stands available for harvest at… -
Once in a lifetime harvest of your woodlot (Access: unrestricted)
Matt Hanna
Forestry is a long-term crop that gives forest owners the luxury of timing the harvest. However unlike most other crops, once the harvest is complete there is no next season,… -
Forest growers’ proposed commodity levy (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
A proposal to introduce a compulsory commodity levy on logs and other forest products at the time of harvest is expected to be voted on by forest growers during March… -
Hawke’s Bay 2011 weather bomb (Access: unrestricted)
Marie Taylor
Coastal Hawke’s Bay is still suffering the effects of last years April storms. More than 600 mm of rain in only 48 hours in late April 2011 caused massive damage… -
The importance of repeating the message (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
My article on page 42 on the sawing of Hull’s pruned radiata raises a very relevant point. Even though I was involved in the preparation of Fenton’s report on his 1962 sawmill… -
Will Hull’s contribution to radiata pine plantation management (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Farm forestry has made a considerable contribution to forestry research. When he was alive our founder, Neil Barr, contributed much. Another important contributor was Wairarapa’s Will Hull. To fully appreciate… -
Propagating ground-durable eucalypts using cuttings from coppice (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Menzies, Mike Dibley, Charlie Low and Ruth McConnochie
The Future Forests Research Diversified Species Programme has a number of projects aimed at improving the supply of quality planting stock for growers. Species involved include redwoods, cypress, indigenous species… -
Working group for a reliable non-declining timber yield (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore and Hamish Levack
The authors are members of a working group recently set up by the NZFFA to see what might be done to achieve a reliable, non-declining log supply from New Zealand’s… -
Optimising chemical use in radiata nurseries (Access: unrestricted)
Simeon Smaill and Katrin Walbert
The establishment and growth of new radiata pine stands is strongly influenced by the quality of the seedling stock. Research by Mike Menzies and others of Scion relating seedling physiology… -
Select Committee fails to fix ETS Amendment Bill (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
The Finance and Expenditure Select Committee released its report on the Climate Change Response Amendment Bill in mid-October. Disappointingly, it remained mainly unchanged from its first reading. The comments of… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
As we move into the warmer months we seem to have been greeted with a cool wet season. The world economy is stumbling along, which is mirrored by the agricultural… -
Neil Barr interviews (Access: unrestricted)
Margaret Gray
One of the conference field days in April 2013 includes Neil Barr’s former farm, Beresford and a meeting with some Barr family members. Beresford is now owned by entrepreneur Alan…