See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2017 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2017
Evolution or revolution in harvesting? (Access: unrestricted)
Keith Raymond
As many small-scale growers prepare to plan to harvest their forests and woodlots planted in the 1990s, there is a quiet revolution being planned in how harvesting these forests on… -
Fighting Phytophthora in forests (Access: unrestricted)
Nari Williams and Michelle Harnett
Scary-looking on paper and even scarier in forests, the word Phytophthora does not seem to have enough vowels in it. And how do you get your mouth around it? It… -
Forest Stewardship Council certification for small forests (Access: unrestricted)
Rhys Millar
Certification for small-scale forests has been something which needs sorting out for a number of years. This article is a very useful summary of recent progress, with a little bit… -
The levy-funded Forest Resources and Environment Committee (Access: unrestricted)
Don Wallace
The Forest Resources and Environment Committee, commonly known as the Environment Committee, is one of several joint NZFFA/NZFOA committees funded by the Forest Growers Levy. It is chaired by Peter… -
Harvesting rules in the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (Access: unrestricted)
Elizabeth Heeg
This article provides an overview of harvesting activities in the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry. It is not intended to be used as guidance or as a replacement for… -
Selective harvesting our indigenous forests (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Indigenous forests are living ecosystems. In untended indigenous forests the total standing volume usually only varies by a small amount. Although old trees die, fall over and rot on the… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
The Editor assured me I would have the election result to ruminate on for this column and he is at least partially correct as NZ First announced last evening that… -
Methyl bromide, logs and you (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
A long, long time ago in a place far removed from here, called Montreal, it was decided that the growing ozone hole over the Antarctic needed to be closed. If… -
Forestry acronyms and organisations (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore and Lynne Wallace
If you dislike the unnecessary use of acronyms, this article may be a hard one to read. The aim is to improve your understanding of some of the various organisations… -
When it rains, it pours (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh
This article looks at how local and global events can affect your insurance coverage and specifically the effect on standing timber insurance. We then discuss what steps you can take… -
What is wrong with wilding trees? (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
Two years ago, the New Zealand wilding control management strategy was written. Its conclusion of ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ was sufficiently convincing that a business case for control… -
Why not rabbit farming? (Access: unrestricted)
Howard Moore
In his useful article Nick Ledgard thoughtfully defines wilding conifers and gives a wide-ranging review of the arguments for and against. He writes with authority, and manages a forest of… -
Forestry and the use of firearms (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
Many NZFFA members own guns, some of which may have been inherited from a relative or donated by a friend who probably used them to control animal pests, to hunt… -
Keeping New Zealand Green - Our forests and their future, By Elizabeth Orr (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
A review by Wink Sutton. In my opinion Alexander (Pat) Entrican, Director General of the NZ Forest Service from 1939 to 1961, was one of the several visionaries who have…