See also pdf download for Tree Grower » November 2018 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, November 2018
President's comment (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
In September I had the pleasure of attending the Timber Design Awards in Auckland. This event, organised by the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association, is a great showcase for the… -
Testing the strength of Douglas-fir cross-laminated timber (Access: unrestricted)
Minghao Li and Harriet Palmer
Douglas fir is New Zealand’s second most popular plantation species with a total current planted area of around 104,000 hectares. Renowned as a structural timber, Douglas fir has been generally overlooked… -
Trichoderma research shows great promise (Access: unrestricted)
Helen Whelan and Harriet Palmer
Trichoderma are naturally occurring fungi which attach to and enter plant roots. Some Trichoderma can improve tree growth rates and disease resistance in nurseries and the forest, and have the… -
The Small and Medium Enterprise Committee (Access: unrestricted)
Neil Cullen
This article is about one of the joint committees funded by the forest grower’s levy. The article is part of the series in the Tree Grower outlining some of the… -
Live radiata pine stem needles must be removed at pruning (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
On a recent Bay of Plenty field day, questions were asked about the need to remove live stem needles at the time of pruning. If live stem needles are not… -
QE II National Trust Covenants The what, the why and the how (Access: unrestricted)
Jesse Bythell
I have carpenters and boat builders on both sides of the family and my interest in trees started from a young age. I never imaged that I would end up… -
One billion trees - multiple opportunities: Planted forests are essential for future New Zealand (Access: unrestricted)
Michelle Harnett and Tim Payn
The words ‘anything but pine trees’ pop up on social media every time the government’s billion trees programme is mentioned. Planted forests in New Zealand may have a public relations… -
Does plantation forestry still belong on highly erodible hill country? (Access: unrestricted)
Eric Cairns
Flood damage, widespread landslides and wood debris flows emanating from plantation forestry have made national headlines twice this year. This commentary is possibly a little late, given that Cyclone Gita… -
Marine insurance: Is it time that we all talk like a pirate? (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh
‘Talk like a pirate’ day on 19 September was celebrated by many involved in the marine insurance world and an opportunity for people to dress up as pirates and raise… -
Fire prevention for woodlot owners (Access: unrestricted)
Rob Goldring
Wildfires in forest plantations, other than being inherently dangerous for fire fighters, cause significant economic loss. They have the potential to spread beyond individual properties, exposing forest owners to considerable… -
Golden Downs forest Douglas-fir trial (Access: unrestricted)
The following half dozen pages are the remaining the articles on the field days from the NZFFA Nelson conference earlier this year. The conference field days are very important, educational… -
Otira - award winning property (Access: unrestricted)
The last part of the final field day of the 2018 conference was to Claire and Terry Gavin’s 53-hectare property Otira. Many of you will have read the article about… -
Spiritual value of trees (Access: unrestricted)
Lynne Wallace
An enduring memory from one of my first tramps is of walking through a large stand of beech trees, a carpet of small leaves beneath my feet and early morning… -
Leith Knowles and the radiata calculator (Access: unrestricted)
Piers McLaren
The radiata and Douglas-fir calculators were the brain-child of the late Forest Research Institute researcher, Leith Knowles. Many of us knew Leith well, as he was a great fan of… -
We are almost there for a truly functioning ETS (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
Over the next three years the government has committed $118 million in direct grants for tree planting and a further $120 million for partnership projects. This is amazing given past… -
The true meaning of life (Access: unrestricted)
John Mortimer
John and Bunny Mortimer co-authored an article for the NZ Dendrology Society which is the basis of this article, modified for the Tree Grower to produce a shorter account of…