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Acacia - Blogs

  • Blackwoods - selecting the best trees: Ian Brown's Blog, July 04, 2019
    In theory, there are two simple steps in tree improvement. Select a provenance that matches your site, and from it identify trees with superior traits to breed from. However in…
  • Notes on West coast blackwoods: Ian Brown's Blog, March 26, 2017
    On an evening in Southern Chile a few years back I was sitting at a long table in a German brewery with a group of New Zealand friends. We were…
  • Acacias in Chile: Ian Brown's Blog, September 26, 2015
    In 2012 a small group of us spent a week in Chile at the invitation of INFOR ( Institutio Forestal), the Chilean forest research institute. We were hosted by Juan-Carlos…
  • Shade Avoidance and Phase Change in Blackwoods: Ian Brown's Blog, March 12, 2014
    When blackwoods grow in natural forests, their form is enhanced by competition for light, but at the cost of slow growth compared to open grown trees. Companion planting is often…
  • Collective marketing of Tasmanian blackwood?: Wink Sutton's Blog, August 30, 2013
    This year’s Farm Forestry AGM was held in the Lower North region. On one of the field day’s we visited Audrey Hay’s farm. While admiring a maturing stand of Tasmanian…


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