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Pine - Tree Grower articles

  • When to plant radiata pine and why (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Donald Mead and Rowland Burdon, November 2021
    Radiata pine has been planted in New Zealand for over 150 years, and extensively for the last 100 years. Today New Zealand has about 1.5 million hectares of radiata pine,…
  • Pine forests in Pelorus Sound from 1900 to 1970 (Access: unrestricted)
    Dallas Hemphill, May 2021
    Forest owners find forest history to be interesting and often fascinating. It can also have practical applications with direct importance to the forest owner, as this article will illustrate. In…
  • The muricata pine story: A roller coaster (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Rowland Burdon and Charlie Low, May 2020
    A period of high hopes for muricata pine in New Zealand has been followed by disappointments. However, there has been misinformation in out-of-date research information and from a big, undocumented mistake. Despite the…
  • Selection harvesting of radiata pine (Access: unrestricted)
    John Wardle, November 2019
    Judging by the number of articles which have appeared in the February and May issues of the Tree Grower, there is obviously a certain amount of interest in selective harvesting…
  • Myth conceptions- Are planted forests really the Devil? (Access: unrestricted)
    Michelle Harnett, May 2019
    …radiata pine is a foreign weed, spreads like herpes, makes rubbish timber and falls over after 50 years. A Stuff article on planting pines to make money from carbon farming…
  • Live radiata pine stem needles must be removed at pruning (Access: unrestricted)
    Wink Sutton, November 2018
    On a recent Bay of Plenty field day, questions were asked about the need to remove live stem needles at the time of pruning. If live stem needles are not…
  • Ultra - a profitable short rotation regime for radiata pine on high quality sites (Access: unrestricted)
    Graham West, May 2018
    A new management regime is proposed for growing radiata pine for export logs on a short rotation. The ultra regime is to plant 500 stems a hectare using best quality…
  • Radiata pine for the next generation (Access: unrestricted)
    Michael Watt and Harriet Palmer, February 2018
    Finally, payday is approaching for many forest owners, as woodlots and forests planted in the 1990s reach harvest age. For growers planning to replant with radiata pine, and any new planters,…
  • Wensleydale 2016 woodlot harvest of an agro-forestry block (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Seymour, May 2017
    We planted three agro-forestry woodlots with trees at a spacing of ten by eight metres equivalent to 150 trees a hectare. The first woodlot was planted in 1986 with GF…
  • A harvest result to confound the experts (Access: unrestricted)
    Malcolm Mackenzie, February 2017
    Many forestry experts frequently speak or write of the need for scale to create good returns. They emphasise that to cover the costs of roading, skid preparation, and harvesting we…
  • Pine trees powering the future (Access: unrestricted)
    Michelle Harnett, November 2016
    We hear messages of doom and gloom nearly every day. Resources are being used faster than they can be replaced, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing, the climate is changing and…
  • The good wood (Access: unrestricted)
    John Moore and Michelle Harnett, August 2016
    Two important questions that foresters want to know the answers to are – How much extra value do I get from planting genetically improved radiata pine tree stocks? What level…
  • Will Hull’s contribution to radiata pine plantation management (Access: unrestricted)
    Wink Sutton, November 2012
    Farm forestry has made a considerable contribution to forestry research. When he was alive our founder, Neil Barr, contributed much. Another important contributor was Wairarapa’s Will Hull. To fully appreciate…
  • Agroforestry – the Tikitere experience (Access: unrestricted)
    Martin Hawke, May 2011
    In the mid to late 1970s no farm forestry visit to the Bay of Plenty was complete without a visit to the Tikitere agroforestry trial. Within a decade or two…


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