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Willow - Tree Grower articles

  • Poplars and willows: Hill country heroes (Access: unrestricted)
    Kate Taylor, May 2021
    Farm foresters know all about planting the right tree in the right place at the right time. The New Zealand Poplar and Willow Research Trust has a plan to spread…
  • Poplar and willow arboretum at Aspendale (Access: unrestricted)
    Allan Wilkinson, November 2020
    Aspendale is a private arboretum established by Allan and Lois Wilkinson, near sea level and close to the coast on 10 hectares of flat peatlands at Manakau, near Levin north…
  • Poplar and willow planting in the Wairarapa (Access: unrestricted)
    Harriet Palmer and Michelle McCabe, February 2019
    Those who know southern and eastern Wairarapa recognise it as usually summer dry, winter wet sheep and beef country. It has beautiful but challenging tracts of hill country associated with…
  • A new willow insect pest in New Zealand The giant willow aphid (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor and Trevor Jones, August 2014
    The giant willow aphid, Tuberolachnus salignus was first reported in December 2013 from Auckland. By March 2014 this aphid could be found throughout the North Island and as far as…
  • Willows and poplars for drought mitigation (Access: unrestricted)
    Trevor Jones and Ian McIvor, November 2013
    This article, on using willow and poplar for animal feed in a drought, complements the article in the August issue of Tree Grower. The subject is not new but the…
  • Willows and poplars for drought feed (Access: unrestricted)
    Deric Charlton, August 2013
    The drought last summer throughout most of New Zealand exposed the vulnerability of livestock farmers who depend on ryegrass-based pastures. Some had to use balage, silage and hay intended for…
  • The passing of Mr Poplar - Chris van Kraayenoord (Access: unrestricted)
    Denis Hocking, August 2012
    New Zealand recently lost one of its most notable tree and land use researchers with the death, on 21 January, of Chris van Kraayenoord. Chris, commonly known as Mr Poplar,…
  • Willow biomass in the Taupo region (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian Nicholas, Kevin Snowdon and Ian McIvor, November 2010
    The growth of shrub willows have been investigated for bioenergy and as a biopolymer resource in the Taupo area since 2004. Background information and some results have been presented in…
  • Wood properties and use of poplar and willow (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor, November 2010
    The processing and use of both poplars and willows for different products are strongly influenced by their wood properties − anatomical, physical and chemical. That is why use cannot be…
  • Use of poplars and willows for erosion control (Access: unrestricted)
    Garth Eyles, November 2010
    If I had to choose the ideal tree for erosion control on a hill country sheep or beef unit it would need to − Grow in the presence of the…
  • Rust disease of poplar and willow (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor and Siva Sivakumaran, November 2009
    Rust fungi found on poplars and also on willows belong to the genus Melampsora. Rust caused by Melampsora is one of the most important leaf diseases of poplars. Internationally some…
  • Energy farming with willow near Taupo (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor, Ian Nicholas and Kevin Snowdon, February 2009
    The end of cheap oil now is a reality and there is growing evidence of the connection between climate change and carbon emissions’, wrote David Wright, chairman of the New…
  • Aspendale poplars and more (Access: unrestricted)
    Bruce Bulloch, February 2009
    On Sunday 30 November 2008, members of four branches − Middle Districts, Wellington, Tararua and Wairarapa – gathered at Allan and Lois Wilkinson’s property, south of Levin. Allan is well…
  • Growing poplars for timber in Northland (Access: unrestricted)
    Murray Hunter and Ian McIvor, May 2008
    Internationally poplar is an important timber tree providing a range of end uses either as timber, chip or pulp. Good quality butts provide excellent rotary peeling for veneers and can…
  • Breeding poplars and willows (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor, February 2008
    New Zealand’s primary wealth depends on fertile land and plentiful, clean water. Water is essential to New Zealand’s productive economy. However water in excess can cause economic loss from soil…
  • Poplar logging case study (Access: unrestricted)
    Peter Davies-Colley, February 2008
    Ngarakau is a 300 hectare dry stock farm located at Titoki in Northland. It was formerly owned by Richard and Wilma Davies-Colley and is now owned by Peter and Nikki…
  • Short rotation coppice willow as low carbon bioenergy farming (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor, November 2007
    Bioenergy is not new. Before the invention of the steam engine and internal combustion engine society was dependent on horsepower of a different kind − the real horsepower. Horses needed biofuel…
  • Where is poplar and willow research going? (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian McIvor, November 2007
    New Zealand has developed unique and innovative systems for using poplars in soil conservation on slopes which continue to impress overseas visitors. The need to stabilise our hill country has…


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