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Coptotermes frenchi, Australian subterranean termites

  • Surveillance programme for subterranean termites
    From SURVEILLANCE 39 (1) 2012. New Zealand has three species of native termites. They do not form large colonies and are generally nondestructive. As a consequence, New Zealand wooden buildings are not built…
  • Australian subterranean termites in New Zealand
    From Forest Health News 227, July 2012. Recently the Ministry for Primary Industries announced that an incursion of Australian subterranean termites (Coptotermes acinaciformis) has been eradicated from a property in…
  • Australian Subterranean termites
    From Forest Health News 159, February 2006. With the recent discovery of Australian subterranean termites (Coptotermes acinaciformis) in the South Island at Richmond, Nelson, perhaps it is timely to review the history…
  • Australian termite activity
    From Forest Health News 77, August 1998. After having a low profile for some years, Australian subterranean termites are back on the agenda. The recent discovery of colonies of Coptotermes…
  • Auckland termites
    From Forest Health News No.12, August 1992. On 7 February 1992 FRI confirmed that termites collected by Chris Scott from St Davids Church, Khyber Pass Road, Auckland were Coptotermes frenchii.…


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