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Scolytus multistriatus on the move

Scolytus multistriatus workings under elm bark

From Forest Health News No. 185, June 2008.

The smaller elm bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus, was first found in New Zealand in Myers Park, Auckland in 1990. This was when Dutch elm disease, caused by the fungus Ophiostoma novi-ulmi, was found in here. S. multistriatus is an important vector of the disease.

The beetle was first found outside the Auckland region in 1996 when it was found in Waikato. In 1997 it was also found in Bay of Plenty. In March this year many S. multistriatus were caught on pheromone traps in Taupo and Napier and larvae and adults were found in a dead Ulmus procera branch in Napier. No beetles were trapped on other traps in Wairarapa, Wellington, Picton, Nelson, Richmond, and Christchurch.

Note that although S. multistriatus is now quite widespread that Dutch elm disease is still confined to Auckland.

John Bain


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