Phytophthora ramorum
Not present in New Zealand
- New "species" of Phytophthora?
From Forest Health News 164, July 2006. Nod Kay was granted a Research Fellowship from the OECD Co-operative Research Programme to visit Alice Holt Lodge, UK Forestry Commission, Farnham, from 15 May… - Symposium highlights biosecurity risk from sudden oak death
From Biosecurity Issue 41, February 2003. The tree disease sudden oak death (SOD) could have a severe impact on New Zealand’s urban or native forests if it became established here.… - Sudden oak death in Canada
From Forest Health News 130, June 2003. Sudden oak death caused by Phytophthora ramorum has killed tens of thousands of oaks in California and Oregon, and infection has also led to disease… - Phytophthora ramorum: a new threat to conifers in New Zealand?
From Forest Health News No. 123, October 2002. Lesions and discolored needles of coastal redwood infected with Phytophthora ramorum (photo: M. Garbelotto and D. Rizzo, UC Davis). This time last year we featured the… - Sudden oak death in California, 2001
From Forest Health News 113, November 2001. Californians are reeling under another threat to their native trees. The new problem eclipses even pine pitch canker disease caused by Fusarium circinatum which has… - Sudden oak death – new disease identified in United States
From Biosecurity Issue 29, August 2001. A new disease of oaks (Quercus spp.) has recently been identified in the United States. While this disease could become established here, the immediate…