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Stigmina thujina

  • Leaf spot caused by Stigmina thujina
    From Scion publication Forest Research Bulletin 220, An Introduction to The Diseases of Forest and Amenity Trees in New Zealand. G.S.Ridley and M.A. Dick 2001 Species: Stigmina thujina (Ascomycete anamorph) Common name:…

  • Stigmina thujina - a needle blight of Lawsons cypress?
    From Forest Health News 70, December 1997- January 1998. The earliest New Zealand record of Stigmina thujina in the FRI Mycology Herbarium dates back to 1963 when it was identified…
  • Lawsons cypress defoliation
    From Forest Health News 70, December 1997- January 1998. Late in 1993 heavy defoliation of Lawsons cypress was observed at Slab Hut Creek, south of Reefton on the west coast…
  • Defoliation of Lawsons cypress
    From Forest Health News No. 50, February 1996. On and off over the past two to three years I have noted Lawsons cypress defoliation on the west coast of the…


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