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Growing Alternative Exotic Forest Species Booklet

By Gary Fleming, Vaughan Kearns, Dean Satchell, Rob Webster, Paul Millen, Alan Jones, Tripti Singh, Andrea Stocchero, Toby Stovold, Clemens Altaner, June 2024.

Download SWP-T174 (pdf)

Executive summary

The species featured in this booklet are commercial exotic species, and their wood can be used in product lines that radiata pine is generally not suitable for. The species featured are both hardwoods and softwoods and are considered by industry experts to be ready to plant at commercial scale. They are proven in a range of New Zealand environments and have known potential to produce commercially accepted timbers for a variety of uses.

The species featured are:

  • Cypresses
  • Eucalypts
  • Redwood
  • Japanese cedar
  • Poplars


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