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Forest establishment and maintenance

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Tree Grower Articles

  • Trichoderma research shows great promise (Access: unrestricted)
    Helen Whelan and Harriet Palmer, November 2018
    Trichoderma are naturally occurring fungi which attach to and enter plant roots. Some Trichoderma can improve tree growth rates and disease resistance in nurseries and the forest, and have the…
  • Radiata pine for the next generation (Access: unrestricted)
    Michael Watt and Harriet Palmer, February 2018
    Finally, payday is approaching for many forest owners, as woodlots and forests planted in the 1990s reach harvest age. For growers planning to replant with radiata pine, and any new planters,…
  • Forestry management around transmission lines: Avoid the shock with prudent planning (Access: unrestricted)
    Geoff Wishart, November 2016
    For small-scale forest owners, nothing eats into profit more than special felling requirements at harvest time or having to fell mature edge trees. This could be in a hard to…
  • Post-harvest planting (Access: unrestricted)
    Geoff Brann, November 2013
    When it comes to replanting after a forest harvesting, I can comment on our experience in the Bay of Plenty. Other areas will have different weeds and problems to deal…
  • Recognising site quality for forest productivity (Access: unrestricted)
    Michael Orchard, November 2010
    If we were a big organisation looking to buy the optimal piece of land for forestry production, we might go to the fertile pumice lands of the Bay of Plenty…
  • Foliage sampling season begins in February (Access: unrestricted)
    Murray Davis and Jianming Xue, February 2010
    Foliage analysis is needed to determine the nutrient status of a forest crop. This analysis is to identify the cause of a nutrient disorder or poor vigour, or to confirm…
  • Continuous cover forestry (Access: unrestricted)
    Ian Barton, May 2009
    Continuous cover forestry is the management of forests using ecological principles which are patterned on natural processes so that the forest canopy is always maintained at one or more levels…
  • Lincoln University agroforestry experiment findings (Access: unrestricted)
    Don Mead and Dick Lucas, February 2008
    Since the Lincoln University agroforestry experiment was established in 1990, over 30 scientific papers have been published. However, as most of these have been in overseas journals where they are…
  • Wide planting does not work (Access: unrestricted)
    Ken Jones and Neil Cullen, February 2008
    In the 1980s the wide spacing of radiata pine was a popular strategy with farm foresters. The advocates of this system believed that the reduced establishment and tending costs and…
  • Toppling – further advice and insights (Access: unrestricted)
    Author not published, November 2006
    Toppling of young trees is a perpetual problem on some properties, and has been discussed many times in Tree Grower and out at field days. The following contributions, from some…
  • Toppling – advice and insights (Access: unrestricted)
    Author not published, August 2006
    Toppling is when young trees begin to lean, due to poor root anchorage. It usually occurs when the trees are two or three years old. It can be a problem…
  • Perfect partners - mycorrhizae and forestry (Access: unrestricted)
    Katrin Walbert, August 2005
    Forest establishment is a critical phase of the forestry cycle, and success at this stage sets the scene for the whole of the rotation. The survival and growth of nursery…
  • Mighty mycorrhizae (Access: unrestricted)
    Murray Davis & Nick Ledgard, August 2005
    Mycorrhizae are fungi that grow in association with plant roots and assist greatly in the absorption of moisture and nutrients. In effect, they vastly increase the root surface area of…





  • Spray releasing young trees with glyphosate: Dean Satchell's blog, December 23, 2022
    I'm often been questioned about spray releasing diverse species when helping landowners with the early stages of forest establishment. Spray releasing methods for radiata pine are well established and you can spray right…


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