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Tree Grower Articles

  • Life after wilding pine control (Access: unrestricted)
    Thomas Paul, Carol Rolando, Matt Scott, Fiona Dean and John Meredith, November 2020
    New Zealand is in the middle of one of the largest wilding pine control programmes in the world.  Wilding pines are conifers growing in the wrong places.  Spreading from early forestry, shelterbelt…
  • The Pukaki wilding fire (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Ledgard, November 2020
    The main spreading tree species on the western shores of Lake Pukaki is the worst one, contorta pine, although there is quite a bit of Douglas-fir and larch. Other spreading conifers,…
  • The Douglas-fir dilemma: Exploiting a reluctance to reproduce in the fight against wildings (Access: NZFFA membership)
    Cathie Reeves, May 2020
    Douglas-fir are notorious for their tendency to turn feral and spread themselves into places they are not wanted. Unfortunately, this ability to run wild limits where they can be planted,…
  • The wind in the wildings (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Ledgard, Ian Harman and John Finnigan, February 2020
    New Zealanders, particularly those in rural areas, are generally very aware of the climatic environment in which they live – mainly concerning temperature, rainfall and wind. They can confidently relate…
  • Search and destroy: Managing the wilding pine problem (Access: unrestricted)
    Michelle Harnett, November 2019
    Wilding pines are unplanned and unwanted. Wildings from windblown seeds from early forestry, shelterbelt and farm plantings are invading neighbouring ecosystems. The area affected by wilding pines in New Zealand…
  • What is wrong with wilding trees? (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Ledgard, November 2017
    Two years ago, the New Zealand wilding control management strategy was written. Its conclusion of ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ was sufficiently convincing that a business case for control…
  • Clean and green – controlling weeds in planted forests (Access: unrestricted)
    Carol Rolando, Brenda Baillie, Loretta Garrett and Michelle Harnett, August 2015
    Herbicide use in planted forests is changing in response to consumer demand for wood and wood products from sustainably managed forests. Six years of research at Scion, focussing on minimising…
  • What is wrong with wildings? (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Ledgard, May 2011
    What is wrong with wilding trees? This would be the most frequent question I am asked. The people looking for an answer are increasingly aware that many forests which have…
  • Broom and gorse - are we as awake as we should be? (Access: unrestricted)
    Nick Ledgard, May 2005
    This article is a departure from the normal tree topics, but it involves a couple of woody plants with which most of us are equally familiar - namely broom Cytisus…
  • Mt Barker wilding Corsican pines (Access: unrestricted)
    John Purey-Cust, May 2008
    Nick Ledgard and Gordon Baker’s wilding pine management joint venture on land owned by Canterbury University Wilding pines covering the hillside All from a shelter belt The wildings, predominantly Corsican…
  • Weeds in indigenous forests (Access: unrestricted)
    Melissa Brignall-Theyer, Sarah Richardson and Susan Wiser, May 2008
    The most challenging weeds for managed indigenous forests are those that can disperse into harvested areas, prevent regeneration of native tree species or persist as potential competitors to adult native…



  • Pastoral farming, belief and propaganda Dean Satchell's blog, May 28, 2022
    When I think about Ukraine's plight for freedom and the disinformation coming from the Russian propaganda machine, I am reminded of just how strong human belief is, and how easily…
  • What's wrong with wilding trees? Nick Ledgard's Blog, July 07, 2016
    Having been a high country forester all my working life and spent much of the later years dealing with wildings, I have long pondered on the pro's and con's of…



  • Land Information NZ develops wildling tool January 2019
    A new tool to enable the public to help fight one of New Zealand’s most invasive species has been created by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Wilding Watch can be…
  • Wilding conifer work plan announced July 2017
    Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy and Conservation Minister Maggie Barry have announced the Government will control the spread of wilding conifers over an additional five priority areas this year in…
  • Managing weeds in planted forests August 2015
    In a new Scion video, Dr Carol Rolando talks about recent research looking at managing weeds in planted forests. Scion scientists, led by Dr Carol Rolando, have confirmed that most…
  • Minimising the environmental impact of weed management in New Zealand’s planted forests August 2015
    Field trials of herbicides in forest weed management were undertaken in this Sustainable Farming Fund programme. To retain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and other certification status, certified forests will need to…
  • Giving forests a head start with good weed control November 2014
    Effective weed control contributes significantly to the survival and growth of newly planted stands, and also promotes productivity throughout the life of the stand. November 2014 Scion’s Weed Management Team…


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